Foster Opportunities
Foster parents agree to temporarily take a rescue pet into their home for a few weeks or a few months to help prepare the pet for adoption. Fosters are a huge component in helping HALO rescue as many pets as possible. Fosters provide love and care to pets who need a little extra help. By fostering you are not only directly helping our most needy pets, but also allowing our shelter to provide care to more pets. The work that is required reaps immeasurable rewards. It is not always easy, but it is always rewarding. Fostering is a great alternative for those who are not ready to adopt, but who do have the ability to care for a pet temporarily such as snowbirds or students.
Foster Facts
Foster parents must complete the online volunteer orientation first.
Foster parents can and do often have pets and jobs.
You must be at least 18 years old to foster (but not everyone in the house must be).
We always need fosters for puppies and kittens, bottle babies, cat and dog moms with babies, pregnant dog moms of all sizes, medical treatments/rehabilitation, socialization, and behavior rehabilitation.
HALO provides all the supplies and medical care for foster pets, including food, bowls, bedding, crates and pens, carriers, vaccines, medications and spay/neuter surgeries.
Foster parents are responsible for transporting their foster pet(s) to and from HALO for medical care.

Questions? Need help?
Email or call 602-971-9222 ext. 106 for help getting started with fostering.